20-21 Apr 2020 Illkirch-Graffenstaden, sud de Strasbourg (France)

JCI Awards

The JCI allow PhD students and post-docs of the campus to present their work as talk or poster. This is often their first opportunity to present the results of their recent work in front of an audience of scientists working in different domains.

Four prizes are awarded to the young participants. The recipients will receive 500 €-value travel grants for the two best presentations, and 200 €-value travel grants for the two best posters. These prizes are intended to fund their venue at a scientific meeting or their initial visit to a lab abroad while looking for a research position. They are selected by the scientific committee.

Recipients of these awards will use their prize during the JCI year and learn procedures to use their travel grant by contacting one member of the organizing committee.


2020 Awards
Click to enlarge


Prix Medalis




Prix Casden


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